The subject is heavy so let’s keep it light and airy.  Welcome to my memoir, Happily Ever After Abuse.

As the title obviously suggests, while dressed for the Emmy Awards, delightful woodland creatures with unimaginably large eyes and reassuring smiles led me down an overgrown tree-lined, and suspiciously insect and spiderweb-free path.  My forest dwelling posse pressed onward until at last we arrived.  Just up ahead was a bright and promising clearing.  There, in all its glory, nestled on the shores of a majestic clear blue sea was a gleaming crystal castle with far too much square footage for one person to use.  Not even trying to pump the brakes on excess, the sparkly residence came complete with actual unicorns y’all, shimmering rainbows, and a Ferrari F150 because, why not.  These treasures and more awaited me as a reward for having survived an arduous twenty-year odyssey of marital “gotcha”.  Unfortunately, however, I did not receive those wonderful gifts.  I never made it past being dressed for the Emmys because no matter how adorably drawn, I was and remain far too bougie to let a skunk guide me anywhere.  So, here is how it really went down.

While often wearing a gray hoodie and a pair of blue jeans, an unexpected and seemingly unrelated group of men and women from within my community relentlessly and selflessly guided my children and me down a frightening path toward the promise of a happily ever after of our own design.  You will get to know these folks later, I promise.  Anyway, they never allowed us to lose sight of the light up ahead at the end of the tunnel.  As a result, my children and I experienced a beautiful metamorphosis – we eventually gained our wings and with them, the ability to gracefully fly toward a new life.  My children and I became the metaphor of butterflies instinctively attracted to white flowers – the light – as they hold the promise of life sustaining nectar.  In the image above, the soft purple shade on the perimeter of the butterfly’s wings gradually fades until only white remains at the center – symbolic of the light at the end of the tunnel.   I am that metaphor.  My children are that metaphor.  It is your metaphor, as well. Own it.  

Countless times along my journey when I felt certain life would never improve, my mother would encourage me by saying, “In the midst of bad there is good.”

Please tell me how Mommas always know, because this body of work is the embodiment of her mantra.  You see, although my life as a wife was filled with never ending lemons, I have taken that sour fruit and crafted the sweet, tangy and thirst-quenching lemonade that is my memoir.  Although life was bad, all my experiences will now be used for the greater good of those who need a bit of encouragement.  How awesome is that!  I am sharing exactly how I was able to free myself and my children and start living our best lives.  

I invite you to grab some of your lemons and craft a batch of lemonade to sustain you as you travel a path toward your happily ever after.  If I could do it, you can do it as well.  So many others believed in the power of me and now I am paying it forward.  I believe in the power of you.

Now, this body of work is rather sparse.  Soon, however, a great deal of important content will be added.  I trust you will return.  

In the meantime, should you want to reach out, please do by following this link.

Thank you for stopping by and cheers to your life living happily ever after abuse.

Delicia C. Brown
CEO & Founder, Happily Ever After Abuse L.L.C.